Faith at Home

What Exactly IS the Domestic Church?

In short, the Domestic Church is your home and everyone in it. This may look different for different families. ALL are just as great as another! Family dynamics have changed over the years and in turn, so has the Domestic Church.

Some examples are:
Single parents
Married couples with children, or their children have grown and moved out
Married couples who do not have children
Single people living alone
Multi generations living under the same roof
The list goes on and on...

On this page, you will find many ways to foster the Domestic Church in your own home.
This could be in little ways to very big ways. We suggest you start little and grow from there.

A good site for Family DIscussions

Start with Daily Prayer... here are a few suggestions:

Use the K.I.S.S. method (keep it simple silly)

Pray when you wake up- "Thank you God for this new day.", "Come Holy Spirit and help guide me today in all I say and do."
When you go to bed or have a test...

Look around your house-
Thank God for the necessities you have and pray for those who don't have these basic needs. Discuss as a family how you may be able to help someone in need.
-You have 4 walls and a roof...
-Clean running water
-Doors and windows
-A bed to sleep in

Go on a scavenger hunt in your house-
Find a few items and look at them, talk as a family, what can they remind you to be thankful for or pray for?
Something made out of wood, a clock, something with you name on it, something circular, something that keeps things together, something bright/colorful...

These are just a few things to get you started

Don't forget the basics!

Start your day with:
Thank you God for my day. Help me to live each moment for You. Amen.

Say these classics. Head on over to this page for a refresher -> /reconciliation-prep

Sign of the Cross
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Act of Contrition