Adult Faith Formation

It is Never Too Late To Grow in your Faith!!

Email the Faith Formation office for more information

Prayer Hour/Prayer Workshop once a month

We are looking for team members to help facilitate this group
In these sessions we will learn and pray in many different ways.
Some examples are (but not limited to)
~How to teach someone to pray in a few easy steps... basic prayers will be used
~Meditation on Holy Scripture (Lectio Divina & Visio Divina)
~Praying In Color
~The Rosary
~The Divine Mercy Chaplet
~Other Chaplets 
~A Novena
The list is endless! 
Let us know if you have any ideas!!

Bible Study

We offer a Bible Study Thursday evenings starting at 6:30 in the Parish Center Room #7
We use Opening the Word from FORMED
Each week we dive deeper into the Sunday readings to understand them better.

Fellowship & Prayer

We meet once a week...Day/Time TBD
Right now we are meeting through Zoom sessions.
We start with Fellowship and then pray a Rosary for world and personal needs

R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

RCIA is a program for those who wish to convert to Catholicisim. OR those who were Baptised but never made thier First Communion or Confirmation.

The Catholic Church feels that conversion to a new faith should not be taken lightly.
There is no set time limit to each of these steps. Everyone learns at their own pace.

There are 4 steps to take:

  1. Inquiry - This is where you bring ALL your questions. Any and all questions you have about the Catholic Faith.
    If you decide after this period of time that you still wish to learn more, you move on to...

  2. Period of Catecuminate - This is where your formal education begins.
    Then you move on to...

  3. Period of Purification and Enlightenment - This is a period of inner reflection and you prepare for your Sacraments of Initiation and becoming Catholic.
    So your Catholic now... What's next?

  4. Mystagogy - This is where we help you foster your new found faith by meeting with you and answering any questions that may come up. At this point many join our Bible Study where they find a great ammount of support and understanding.

Adult Confirmation

Were you Baptised and made your 1st Communion?
Did life get in the way and you just never were Confirmed?

We have classes for those who are 18 years and older who are still in need of, the 3rd and final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation.